
Rainbow Obsidian is a must have for those who want to be positive in life. Rainbow Obsidian protects against all forms of negative energy. It is a guiding stone, which really helps you to feel safe and secure…

It has a softer energy than ordinary Obsidian, so it also has calming properties.

Because of its colourful iridescent layer, Rainbow Obsidian helps the wearer to see that behind the darkness there is always a point of light.

Furthermore, this stone is a very powerful protector, filling our hearts with love and energy.

general information

Rainbow Obsidian is not a mineral, but volcanic glass that forms naturally. It is created by the rapid cooling of felsic lava. Obsidian is naturally black in colour and has a glass-like texture and luster. Obsidian comes in several varieties, including rainbow, snowflake, gold, and mahogany.

In prehistoric times, this stone was mainly used for making arrowheads and other tools. Rainbow Obsidian owes its name to the ancient Roman Obsius, who is said to have discovered a similar stone. On the other hand, this stone has an iridescent glow that refers to ‘rainbow’.

Obsidian is mainly found in Mexico, the United States and Scotland.

Physical Healing Properties

On the physical level, Rainbow Obsidian has an influence on the recovery of bruises, contusions and tissue traumas.

As this gem focuses on the positive in life, it can have a great influence on many physical complaints as they often arise from a lack of pleasure and happiness in life.

Other complaints where rainbow obsidian can help are:

release from blocking memories and tensions

relief of anxiety and stress

arthritis, rheumatism and joint disorders

relief from depression, emotional trauma and resentment

fatigue pain

Always consult a doctor in case of health complaints. Gemstones are supportive, but can never be seen as a substitute for medical or professional help.

emotional healing properties

Rainbow Obsidian is a very protective and cleansing stone, it offers protection against all negative influences from outside and against negative emotions. On an emotional level, Rainbow Obsidian can be very grounding. Rainbow Obsidian is able to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive energy.

It is the perfect stone to help you heal in a profound way. Rainbow Obsidian guides you and makes you feel safe again. It brings us hope, insight and clarity in life.

This stone reduces restrictive thinking patterns and fear.

The stone also offers protection against heartache and mental, physical and emotional distress. It also supports the wearer with depression and mood swings.

spiritual healing properties

Rainbow Obsidian helps us to make the journey to our dark side, because there too, a point of light can be found. It is almost impossible to get to know our whole being if we do not dare to face our dark sides. This journey into the dark, the depths, is as important as it is necessary. You find back pieces of yourself that you thought you had forgotten or that were too painful to carry consciously. Rainbow Obsidian helps to embrace these pieces and bring out the positive in them.

Rainbow Obsidian is consequently a strong insightful stone, helping to dissolve old traumas and helping to let go of what you no longer need. Everything in life is about balance, and this stone certainly contributes to that. In this way Rainbow Obsidian ensures that your personal development is stimulated.


Rainbow Obsidian is associated with the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra ensures that we are grounded, that we stand firmly in our shoes. This gem also works on the Heart Chakra and the Forehead Chakra.

Zodiac Sign

Scorpio and Capricorn


This gem also works on the Heart Chakra and the Forehead Chakra. It is important to clean this stone after use, as Rainbow Obsidian is so effective at absorbing negative energy.

More information on Cleaning and Charging Gemstones can be found here.