Black Moon was born out of a desire to do something creative, a goal, a vision, a feeling… Black Moon represents the beautiful collaboration between a mum and her daughter, both passionate about the creative and the mystical…  with many, Corona has made us think, has given us that extra push to choose our dreams and go for it fully…

For me personally, 2021 was not my best year… Health problems meant that I was temporarily unable to continue my job as a pharmacist-bandagist.  By being at home for a long time, I was looking for distraction and finally found my peace in making candles.  What originally started as a hobby quickly grew into a passion.

My daughter Luna soon jumped with me on this adventure and is responsible for the spiritual side of our shop,  as well as for the social media.  Together we are the perfect team!  he name Black Moon is obviously not chosen at random…. At first it refers to my daughter Luna, but a Black Moon also actually exists and has something very spiritual about it.

Black Moon has no real meaning in astrology, but it is celebrated by people interested in nature spirituality.  The spiritual meaning of Black Moon is associated with prosperity and good fortune.  A Black Moon is a unique and magical moment and is often the beginning of new opportunities, new possibilities and creativity.  A time to move forward in your own power, your own Self…

We would like to welcome you to our webshop! Discover our unique products, order them and above all, ENJOY!!!

Lots of love,


Vanessa en Luna