
Moss Agate brings the mind and soul back to their natural, balanced state and brings stability regardless of the chaos that the world around you creates. Moss Agate brings the healing powers of Mother Nature to you and provides instant calm and emotional balance.

Moss Agate was also often used as a lucky stone by farmers in the past.

general information

Many people immediately think of the extraordinary green colour of many mosses, but not all Moss Agates are green. Similarly, the stone can be brown, red, blue or black.

Moss Agate is a translucent quartz that belongs to the Chalcedones. Dendrites, small plant-like branches, give this stone a special mossy colour. This gemstone is a variety of Agate.

Moss agate is mainly mined in countries such as South Africa, India, Central Europe, Western America, Brazil and China.

Physical Healing Properties

On a physical level, Moss Agate mainly works as an anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing agent. It supports our immune system and improves the functioning of lungs and airways. Moss Agate stimulates our self-healing capacity. Other complaints where Moss Agate can help are:

smog issues

weather sensitivity

releasing tension and pressure

skin problems

promotes hair growth

relieves arthritis-related symptoms

Always consult a doctor in case of health complaints. Gemstones are supportive, but can never be seen as a substitute for medical or professional help.

emotional healing properties

Moss Agate works grounding and stabilising, it heals your heart and brings you back into balance. So you can use this stone perfectly after a period of emotional problems or after illness to return to a state of equilibrium, calm and balance. Where depression and gloominess bring down our emotions, Moss Agate gives back hope and confidence in life.

The stone helps release fears, stress and worries and brings serenity and calm. Moss Agate provides inner peace and trust in relationships.

It is an excellent stone for people with concentration problems or social anxiety.

Moss Agate also restores and strengthens our natural connection to nature and the earth. The energy emanating from this gemstone is gentle and nurturing. Moss Agate is often used as a good luck charm.

spiritual healing properties

Moss Agate makes you receptive for universal love, the connection with Mother Earth is restored and ensures that body and mind come into harmony. In this way, the mind can relax and tune in to the world around it. This gemstone is grounding, and makes you stand firm in your shoes. This allows you to open up more to the spiritual.

Moss Agate is a stone of balance and spiritual connection.


Moss Agate works on the Heart Chakra and ensures that there are no blockages in this chakra, so that love can flow freely.


Moss Agate can be cleansed and recharged in all ways.

More information on Cleansing and Charging Gemstones can be found here.