
Mahogany Obsidian is a beautiful stone with black and mahogany hues. This stone is strongly grounding and protects you from negative energies.

general information

Mahogany Obsidian is an amorphous, volcanic glass and is characterised by its black colour with reddish-brown hues and flecks. This reddish-brown colour is reminiscent of mahogany wood, hence its name ‘Mahogany’ Obsidian.

This gemstone is mainly found in the United States and Scotland.

Physical Healing Properties

Mahogany Obsidian stimulates the functioning of liver and kidneys, and consequently has a detoxifying effect. It also promotes blood circulation, warming cold hands and feet.

Mahogany Obsidian also has analgesic properties and promotes wound healing.

emotional healing properties

Mahogany Obsidian helps to release negative feelings and enables you to face your true self. This gemstone gives you insight into yourself and can therefore sometimes be perceived as confronting.

In addition, Mahogany Obsidian allows your creative energy to flow freely and dissolves sexual inhibitions.

spiritual healing properties

This gemstone has a protective effect against negative energies. Furthermore, it is a strong grounding stone, this stone brings you back to earth with both feet, so to speak. Lightworkers and people often involved in spirituality therefore often use this stone to reconnect with the earth.


Mahogany Obsidian lifts energy blockages, mainly at the level of the base and sacral chakra. It ensures that these chakras are kept open and turn correctly again, allowing creative and sexual energy to flow freely again.

Zodiac Sign

Libra and Scorpio


Mahogany Obsidian can be cleansed and charged in all ways. More information on Cleansing and Charging Gems can be found here.