
Falcon’s eye has a calming effect and reduces stress. This mineral protects against shortsightedness and helps you see the bigger picture. Falcon’s Eye gives insight and promotes clairvoyance. This stone also acts protective in astral travel.

Falcon’s Eye slows down metabolism and has an inhibiting effect on excessive sex drive. Because of this inhibiting effect on the flow of energy in the body, it is recommended never to wear Falcon’s Eye continuously for more than one week.

general information

Falcon’s Eye, also called Blue Tiger’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye, is a quartz fused with fibre crocidolite.

This mineral is mainly found in South Africa and Namibia; where it is often used as protection against voodoo

Falcon’s Eye, like Tiger’s Eye, is characterised by the ‘cat’s eye effect’ or ‘Chatoyance effect’. When light is reflected on Falcon’s eye, it closely resembles the lighting up of felines’ eyes.

Physical Healing Properties

On a physical level, Falcon’s Eye slows down metabolism and inhibits any excessive sexual drive. This stone reduces excessive hormone production.

Falcon’s Eye has a positive effect in respiratory and eye problems and improves focus. Furthermore, this mineral has a beneficial effect on the legs, intestines and blood vessels.

Falcon’s Eye is stress-reducing, reducing hyperactivity, nervousness and trembling.

Always consult a doctor in case of health complaints. Gemstones are supportive, but can never be seen as a substitute for medical or professional help.

emotional healing properties

On an emotional level, Falcon’s Eye is inhibitory: it inhibits fears and violent emotions and calms feelings of anger and aggression. In this way, Falcon’s Eye lets you distance yourself so that the bigger picture becomes clear. Thus, Falcon’s Eye helps you make decisions.

This stone removes creative blockages and increases your imagination and insights.

spiritual healing properties

Falcon’s Eye helps you see new possibilities, it gives you insight into your life path and promotes clairvoyance.

Falcon’s eye is a grounding stone that makes you look at yourself. This will give you insight and increase your self-confidence.

This stone also has a protective effect and protects lightworkers from negative energy fields from outside. It is used as a protector when travelling in mountainous or hilly areas, but also offers a protective effect during astral travel.


It is used as a protector when travelling in mountainous or hilly areas, but also offers a protective effect during astral travel. This is because of its grey-blue hue.

Falcon’s Eye is connected to the Throat Chakra, but also has connections to the Forehead Chakra, making it a very spiritual stone.

Zodiac Sign



Falcon’s Eye can be cleaned and charged in all ways. When cleaning with water, it is important to dry it well afterwards. Falcon’s Eye is naturally high in iron, and could rust if not dried properly.

More information on Cleansing and Charging Gems can be found here.