
Aragonite is mainly calming and cramp-relieving. It reduces stress and can be supportive for burnout.

On an emotional level, Aragonite has a grounding and stabilising effect.

general information

Aragonite gets its name from the place where it was discovered, namely Rio Aragon in Spain. This gemstone is found in Spain, France, Italy, Romania and Austria, among others.

Aragonite is a calcium carbonate with a hardness of 3.5 to 4. Loose Aragonite crystals are translucent and colourless. Aragonite, however, is much more common in colour, usually orange-brown, but it can also be red, yellow, blue or white. The colour is created by inclusion of other minerals, clay or sand.

Physical Healing Properties

Several properties are attributed to Aragonite:


positive effect on digestion, bones and immune system

helps with colds

gives energy and increases vitality

reduces stress and gives courage

can be supportive in case of burnout

promotes focus and concentration

Always consult a doctor in case of health complaints. Gemstones are supportive, but can never be seen as a substitute for medical or professional help.

emotional healing properties

Aragonite helps heal emotional wounds and brings you back into balance.. In this way, Aragonite promotes emotional growth, by releasing old emotions and bringing peace to your heart. Aragonite makes you feel calmer when you are tense and also has a calming effect when you are angry. This gemstone can help with hypersensitivity and makes you more patient in difficult situations.

This gemstone makes you happy again and teaches you to let go of stress. Furthermore, Aragonite has a grounding and stabilising effect.

Brown Aragonite can help reduce obsessive and compulsive thoughts.

spiritual healing properties

Aragonite cleanses and activates the chakras, meridians and aura. It promotes connection to higher states of consciousness and allows creativity to flow.


Aragonite acts mainly on the Base chakra. Its energy is calming, but also activating at the same time.

Zodiac Sign



Aragonite should not be cleaned with (hard) running water.

More information on Cleansing and Charging Gems can be found here.